Saturday, August 08, 2009

Back on the Grand Union

We're back on the canal system again. We went to look around Hampton Court Palace in the morning, having lunch in the Privy Kitchen cafe at the palace. There is a lot about Henry VIII at Hampton Court Palace and part of it is the recreated kitchens of that monarch. Much of the food on display in the kitchen consists of pies and bread, along with fish and roast meat, together with food and cooking smells. In a brilliant piece of marketing you can buy a lunch of an authentic looking Tudor pie and a slab of bread served on a wooden trencher in the Privy Kitchen cafe nearby.

King Henry VIII's portrait

The King in person.

We had to go into the maze as well of course. When we reached the centre there was a lady giving out stickers to all the kids (big and small). We took the short way out from the centre rather than find our way back to the beginning as we had a tide to catch at Teddington lock, scene of the Monty Python Fish Slapping Sketch.

After leaving Hampton Court we continued downriver to Teddington and on to the tidal Thames for the transit to Brentford and the southern terminus of the Grand Union canal.

Stealth houseboats at Richmond

The origin of the phrase "Floating Cottage" (narrowboaters take note).

Working boat Falcon and butty Venice on the Thames at Richmond.

The rubbish and the smelly water were an instant reminder that we are back on the canal system again.

Arrow made use of his lifejacket for the first time, falling into Osterley lock as we were going up it.

Total distance is 11 miles, 6 flg and 5 locks.

Moored above Osterley Lock.

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