Sunday, October 03, 2010

Village at War

As Syncopation is moored in the next village I decided to go for a day trip to the 1940s. Stoke Bruerne's Village at War event was held this weekend. Arriving by boat saves the car parking charge. There's a daily re-enactment with lots of gunfire, plenty of old military vehicles to look at and a funfair to take rides on. Oh, and the working boats on the canal around the canal museum.
We watched nb Victoria and butty Angel moving up through the top lock.

The number of locals in period costume was impressive, both military re-enactors to civilians.

There were contingents of the Home Guard:

I was impressed with the full size replica Spitfire,

Complete with replica pilot

Even the Yanks were represented.

I think the guy sitting at the front has watched too many war movies.

And I spotted bloggers Jo and Keith Lodge with their narrowboat Hadar, in traditional costume here chatting to an LDV volunteer.

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